A Certified Smart Contract Developer is a skilled professional who understands and knows deeply what Smart Contracts is and how to create them wisely over any Blockchain platform by programming it over Solidity. This certification is open to anyone with no prior or minimal experience in Ethereum Blockchain and is curious to become a top blockchain developer.
Certified Smart Contract Developer is an exhaustive training & exam based program aims to provide proof-of-knowledge of the certificate holder in the development phases of Smart Contract creation. The Ethereum is evolving very fast & enabling businesses to build compelling solutions at a lesser cost. Enterprises are struggling to identify the right talent to deploy Smart Contract over different Blockchain Platforms. This certification will work as a bridge between resources & businesses (employees, consultants & advisors) to give enterprises confidence in the quick hire.
Certification Modules
– Introduction
Certified Solidity Developer basic understanding
+ Blockchain Basics
- Introduction to Blockchain?
- Reasons to opt Blockchain?
- Difference between Blockchain & traditional technologies?
- Advantages of using Blockchain Technology
- The issue of Trust
- High Accessibility
- Swift dealing and cost effective
- Stringent transparency ledger
- Very secure
- Verified and available
- Different variations of Blockchain technologies
- Ethereum
- Multichain
- Records Keeper
- Bitcoin
- Blockchain Users
- Hyperledger
- Blockchain projects
- Stellar
+ Ethereum Basics
- A brief Introduction on Ethereum
- Introduction and significance of Gas in Ethereum.
- What is Ethereum Virtual Machine?
- Gaining an insight on Ethereum along with units understanding.
+ Fundamentals concept of Smart Contracts
- An introduction to Smart Contracts and how they work?
- What is Truffle Framework?
- Introduction to Truffle Framework
- Understanding Solidity and its basic Concepts
- Sectors that utilize Ethereum
- Self-driven cars
- Healthcare
- Storing data
- Security from Hackers
- Scope of work of Smart Contracts
- Crowdfunding
- Governance
- Automobile
- Management
- Real estate
- Supply chain
- Step by step procedure for setting up a Development Environment
- Detailed step by step procedure to run and compile Smart Contract
- ERC20 Token project
- o ERC20 Token : Smart Contract’s Creation and Development
- Smart Contract’s in depth Compilation & Testing
- DIR project
- Smart Contract for a Decentralized Investigation Report Filing System
- Smart Contract : Testing & Compilation
- ToDo project
- Smart Contract: Maintaining track of daily activities that encompass creation and development.
- Compilation and Testing
- Sellable project
- Smart Contract: Understanding creation & development of Smart Contracts to help aid buying and selling.
- Testing & compilation
- Voting Ballot project
+ Certified Smart Contract Developer Exam
- The certification provides an online training which is followed by multiple choice questionnaire of 100 marks
- A candidate is expected to score 60+ marks.
- The exam can be reattempted after a day.
- The exam can’t be taken more than 3 times.
- You can reach out to us for assistance if even after 3 attempts you fail to score 60+ marks.
Career Facts
- Programmers & Developers
- Software Engineers & Architects
- Engineering & Management Students
- Application Architects
The task of a smart contract expert?
Developing smart contracts that helps in authentic transaction with no third party involvement.
What to Expect?
Ethereum smart contract developer
Smart contract consultant
Final Outcome
After the completion of the course and obtaining certification for the same, you must have attained profound knowledge of the concepts pertaining to building up smart contracts and using them across multiple industries to help solve problems at large.

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